Opening of Sofia Pride film fest with ``Lotus Sports Club``

📆 4 June 2023 🕑 19:00 📍 Odeon theatre

The opening of SPFF 2023 features Lotus Sports Club – a deeply euphoric film about identity formation, family, and acceptance. Beautiful and inspiring, filled with charm and humanity, this film will take you to the unfamiliar Cambodia. The screening also includes the short film “Freedom is Action,” dedicated to human rights defender lawyer Denitsa Lyubenova and her dedicated work against discrimination. Join us on June 4th at Odeon Cinema from 7:00 PM.

Screening of a Short Film Collection

📆 6 June 2023 🕑 19:30 📍 Derrida scene

Obeying tradition, this year Sofia Pride Film Fest presents some of the best short films with the theme of dance from Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, and Portugal in two screenings with free admission at Scene Derida – we look forward to meeting you on June 6th at 7:30 PM and on June 14th at 7:00 PM with the filmmakers.

Official Party of Sofia Pride Film Fest

📆 8 June 2023 🕑 19:00 📍 Swimming Pool

The official party of Sofia Pride Film Fest will take place at the art space Swimming Pool on June 8th at 7:00 PM. In the rooftop pool of a modernist-style building in the city centre, we will screen trailers of the films from the selection and dive into the night with the sounds from the forehead of Magdalena Petrovich!

Exhibition ``Possible Bodies``

📆 8 – 26 June 2023 📍 Doza Gallery

The group exhibition “Possible Bodies,” part of Sofia Pride Arts, will present works by Voin de Voin, Veronika Desova, Yoana Petkova, Lyuben Domozetski, Martin Atanasov, Mich Brezunek, Radina Gancheva, RASSIM, Sofia Granchareva, Sofia Dimova, and Harita Asumani at the Doza Gallery in Sofia from June 8th to June 26th.

The official opening with the presence of the artists will take place on June 8th, Thursday, at 6:00 PM.

In the realm of the body, humans are universal beings. Our bodies make us simultaneously equal and unique, equal under the laws of nature, and independent in our everyday existence. In the realm of the body, humans are thinking and feeling machines, colliding with walls of stereotypes and prejudices but deeply convinced of their independence. In their right to choose, to desire, and to have preferences.

The exhibition “Possible Bodies” presents different perspectives on the human body through the means of visual arts. It views the body as an image that defines identity and integrity, as a stage of passion and desires, as an interior and exterior, as a symbolic image transcending time, as a surreal body capable of anything.

Screening of ``Unidentified Objects``

📆 9 June 2023 🕑 20:30 📍 Odeon theatre

Unidentified Objects is a feature film debut and one of the best road movies ever created, which is sure to become a cult indie classic! We guarantee that the blend of absurd humor and genuine warmth will not leave any viewer indifferent! It’s a strange and resonating love story that has something for everyone.

Sofia Pride Arts: Poetry Workshop with Stefan Ivanov

📆 10 June 2023 🕑 16:00 📍 Rainbow Hub

All poetry enthusiasts are welcome to a special workshop where, together with Stefan Ivanov, we explore the power of words and the ways in which we can express ourselves through poetry.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn various poetic techniques, delve into the world of self-expression, and connect with people from the community. Whether you are an experienced poet or just starting your poetic journey, this workshop welcomes people of all skills and experience. Under the guidance of our experienced facilitator, Stefan, participants will be encouraged to share their thoughts, emotions, and personal experiences through the beauty of poetry. Together, we will explore different poetic styles, experiment with various forms, and uncover the unique voice of each participant.

As part of Sofia Pride Arts, this workshop aims to foster a sense of inclusion by celebrating different perspectives and identities within the LGBTQ+ community. By harnessing the power of words, we will create a safe space for self-expression, nurturing creativity and empowerment.

Spaces are limited to ensure an intimate atmosphere that allows for meaningful connections and individual guidance. Reserve your spot at

Stefan Ivanov (1986, Sofia) holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He is the author of numerous poetry collections and has been nominated for the National Poetry Award “Ivan Nikolov”. His work “Inside” was nominated for the first literature awards at the National Palace of Culture. He received the “Sofia: Poetics” award in 2011. He co-authored the play “Medea – My Mother,” which won the “Icarus” award in 2013 for best performance. His play “Between the Holidays” was nominated for the “Icarus” award in 2014 for dramaturgy. In 2017, his play “The Same Day” was staged in New York at LPAC. In 2018, he was a resident playwright at the National Theatre of Luxembourg. In 2019, the short animated film “Tasks for the Day,” based on his poem of the same name, was the official Bulgarian submission for the Oscars. Since 2003, he has published numerous materials in various media outlets. His work has been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Serbian, and other languages. His blog can be found at

Screening of ``Close``

📆 10 June 2023 🕑 20:00 📍 Odeon theatre

Nominated for an Oscar, Close is hailed as a remarkable cinematic achievement. Lucas Donta’s second film is a transformative and unforgettable portrait of the intersection of friendship and love, identity and independence, heartbreak and healing. Don’t miss this masterpiece with exceptional empathy and vision!

Screening of ``The Blue Caftan``

📆 11 June 2023 🕑 20:00 📍 Odeon theatre

The Oscar-nominated film from Morocco with awards from Cannes, The Blue Caftan directed by Maryam Touzani, is a beautifully crafted piece of art. Critically acclaimed as one of the best films of 2022, the movie captivates with a powerful emotional impact. It is a rich, vibrant ode to love in all its forms.

Screening of ``Framing Agnes``

📆 12 June 2023 🕑 20:30 📍 Odeon theatre

In the documentary Framing Agnes, trans actors subvert the format of a television show to confront the legacy of a young transgender woman faced with a difficult choice. Provocative, quiet, and simultaneously radical, this film has garnered awards at prestigious festivals such as Sundance, breathing new life into previously unknown individuals who redefine the concept of gender in the 1950s.

Прожекция на ``Нели и Надин``

📆 13 June 2023 🕑 19:30 📍 Derrida scene

Документалният Нели и Надин с награда на журито от Берлин е неочакваната любовна история между две жени, които се влюбват на Бъдни вечер през 1944 в концентрационния лагер Равенсбрюк. Забележителният стремеж на Нели и Надин да бъдат свободни и да се обичат остава дълги години в тайна дори за най-близките им роднини.

Прожекция на колекция късометражни филми

📆 14 June 2023 🕑 19:00 📍 Derrida scene

По традиция и тази година Sofia Pride Film Fest представя някои от най-добрите късометражни филми с лайтмотив танц от България, Великобритания и Португалия в две прожекции с вход свободен на Сцена Дерида – очакваме ви за среща с авторите на 6 юни от 19:30 и на 14 юни от 19:00.

Прожекция на ``Пораснали момчета``

📆 14 юни 2023 г. 🕑 20:45 📍 кино “Одеон”

Комедията Пораснали момчета e американски независим филм за съзряването, в който тийнейджър преживява сексуално пробуждане, влюбвайки се в гаджето на братовчедка си по време на къмпинг ваканция. Изключително, нежно и красиво изследване на кратките, но интензивни моменти, които оформят всяко юношеско пътуване. Един деликатен и фино магически филм за куиър съзряването.

Закриване на София Прайд Филм Фест с ``Радикалният``

📆 15 юни 2023 г. 🕑 20:00 📍 кино “Одеон”

На закриването на SPFF 2023 прожектираме забележителния документален филм Радикалният, посветен на Мусин Хендрикс – първият открит гей имам в света, който въпреки смъртните заплахи създава приобщаващата джамия в Южна Африка и дава началото на глобалното куиър мюсюлманско движение. Запознайте се с гей имама, който променя нагласите отвътре и предизвиква консервативните!

Sofia Pride Human Rights Forum

📆 16 June 2023 🕑 9:00 📍 House of Europe

The first of its kind Sofia Pride Human Rights Forum 2023, organized by the Bilitis and GLAS foundations, the Embassy of Sweden in Sofia on the occasion of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the LGBTI Intergroup of the European Parliament.

The goal of the Forum is to create a space for discussion on two topics of great importance to the LGBTI community in Bulgaria – hate crimes and hate speech, and the rights of LGBTI families. Unfortunately, Bulgarian legislation still lags behind in progress on these two important issues, and we hope that through this high-level Forum, we will further our advocacy efforts. We believe that the Forum will provide a space for networking between political leaders and politicians from Bulgaria and Europe, representatives of government and institutions, the diplomatic community, civil society, LGBTI activists from Bulgaria and abroad.

The event program is available in Bulgarian and in English.