Тук можете да намерите разбивка на окончателния бюджет за провеждането на София Прайд 2017.

Budget Categories

Budget Categories Amount in BGN US Embassy ILGA Europe Donations from individuals Donations from individuals by PayPal Donations from individuals by DMS Donations by individuals at Fundraising party (reported by Deystvie) Donation by Power Pops Bulgarian Fund for Women (Grants to GLAS and Deystvie) Corporate donations in cash (Absolut) Income from the Sale of Drinks during pride and Entrance Fee in Yalta Club Foreign and Common-wealth Office Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy of Israel Sweden Honorary Consulate
Income received in BGN 13810 975.5 1956.64 1234.3 402.84 1039.5 300 2000 1000 4619 587 195.58 1000 440
Fee for trucks to enter central area (1 truck) 80 80
Bank Fees for online payments 18.7 18.7
Green systems fee for cars/mini busses (3 cars x 30) 90 90
Communication campaign:
Web site hosting and repair 215.75 215.75
Web site hosting for 2018 177 130 47
Facebook Ads 372.4 372.4
Invitations Yalta 136.9 136.9
Sofia Pride Street March:
Printing of the petition 69.29 69.29
Stage rent and audio equipment for stage and 1 truck (from Ozvuchavane BG) 3900 3900
Rent of 1 truck 720 720
Printing 2000 paper flags, 20 T-shirts, 52 flags 60/90cm, 3000 security braceletes 2256.54 2256.54
Ambulance for 3 hours 360 360
Chemical toilets 156 156
Music author fee (authors’rights) 435.59 435.59
Decorations for the stage of the Pride and the truck (baloons) 2142 1051 1091
Vynil banners for the stage and the truck 152.56 152.56
Sticks for the large flags, tape, plastic bags, dust bins 143.12 143.12
Printing of slogans on cardboard 52.52 52.52
Concert costs (DJ, dancers, show host, water, bar consumables) 3283 3283
Private security (service contract) 1914 978 936
Sandwiches for the volunteers 114 114
Taxi rent for the volunteers 39.96 39.96
T-shirts for the organizing committee 336 336
Sofia Pride Film Fest:
Rent of 2 Cinemas for the Film Fest 2520 2520
Movies rights 2767.69 290 140.11 115 587 195.58 1000 440
Advertisement materials for the Film Fest 676.8 676.8
Facebook ads 127.88 127.88
Vision design 300 300
T-shirts for the organizers, volunteers and special guests 375 375
Catering for the opening and closing 380.4 380.4
Sofia Pride Art Week:
Sofia Pride Art Week (exhibitions costs) 3000 1000 1000 1000
Receptions for exhibition openings 336 336
Total: 27580 13810 975.96 1759 372 383 1018 0 2000 1000 4619 587 196 1000 523
Available balance: 0 0 198 862 20 22 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 -83
Balance going to Pride 2018: 1318.00лв