Sofia Pride 2024, the largest human rights event in Bulgaria, will be held at Prince Alexander I Batenberg Square on June 22. The new location will host the concert that precedes the protest march and gathers on its stage some of the biggest musical stars in Bulgaria. Sofia Pride will once again give young artists the opportunity to perform and sing in front of thousands.

“For the 17th year in a row, Sofia will host the only Pride in the country, and for the first time we will have the opportunity for the iconic Battenberg Square to be the gathering place for the concert. We hope that the position of the new location, in the “triangle of power”, will make the politicians listen more clearly to Pride’s demands, mainly for the legal regulation of the thousands of same-sex families in our country,” shared Simeon Vasilev from the Sofia Pride organizing committee.

The focus of Sofia Pride 2024 will be the role of LGBTI+ people in Bulgaria for the progress of Bulgarian society. This year’s campaign will showcase the values and people who unite us, not divide us.

Sofia Pride is organized by the GLAS Foundation, together with the Bilitis Foundation, LGBTI Action and the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. The 2024 event is supported by the Bulgarian Women’s Fund, the US Embassy in Bulgaria, the Embassy of Australia, the Embassy of Great Britain, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Embassy of France, and the companies Absolut, Accenture, EY, HP Enterprise, Mastercard, Progress, Paysafe and WorkNomads LAB Hotel.